Complete Guide: How to Clean Car Mats Mess

2 November 2021 0 By Jack O.
Complete Guide: How to Clean Car Mats Mess

If there is one thing we can all agree on, is that a car can become as dirty and messy as it can be in the blink of an eye. If you just don’t take care of your carpets and car mats, your vehicle’s interior could become repulsive for your guest passengers, which is not fun, let’s be honest. Here’s a complete guide on how to keep everything clean so your car looks like new inside out!

What are the common wastes that must be cleaned in the car?

Before we begin, know that there are 2 main types of car mats: rubber and fabric. However, no matter what type of mats you have, the washing process is quite similar. Furthermore, here’s a little summary of the different things you may have to wash from your vehicle carpets at one point or another:

  • Mud
  • Dirt
  • Grease
  • Oil
  • Wastes
  • Stains
  • Salt
  • Rocks
  • Sand
  • Gum
  • Food

While some of these are pretty easy to clean and just require you to remove the mat from the vehicle and give it a good shake, some others will require a lot of work and patience.

For example, dirt stains on car rubber mats can only be washed by hand (preferably with mat wash products) or with a hose, and sometimes you will need to scrub pretty hard to remove the toughest stains. That is why we made this guide so you can save some time and find the fastest and simplest way to get make your carpet car mats look like new!

What’s the best way to wash my car floor mat?

Depends on how dirty it is and the type of fabric your mat is made of, but in general, we found that laying down the mat on the floor and washing it with a hose is the best and fastest way to do it. If some stains remain, you can finish by using some baking soda and liquid handwashing detergent. Some people like to use a brush, a cloth, or a sponge, but we recommend using the brush for the best and fastest results.

How to get rid of stains on my floor car mats?

If your car floor mats are cloth car mats, then you can use soapy water and scrub with a brush. Furthermore, you can use a carpet cleaner if you want to get that fresh new look on your car floor mat. Just spray the product on your carpet car mat and let it rest for about 30 minutes. Once 30 minutes have passed, you can clean everything with a hose or a steam cleaner.

Can I put my car mat in the washing machine?

Most people will be against this idea, as it can damage your washing machine or your car mat. Some tougher models such as industrial washing machines are going to be able to do the job, but it is still risky to do so, especially with a normal home machine.

However, if you decide to go ahead with this project, just be careful and place the mat in a cylindrical shape, only one mat at a time. Also, make sure that you select the right settings on your washing machine. If you are wondering what’s the best washing machine settings for cleaning your car mats, we highly recommend setting it on cold water and a gentle cycle.

Can I use a hose to wash my car mats?

Yes, you can use a hose to wash your car mats. It’s actually one of the fastest ways to wash the floor mat of a car, but if you expect perfect results, then this is perhaps not what you are looking for. We suggest scrubbing by hand first with washing product if you want the best results.

How to effectively wash the carpet of my car by hand?

Your car mats are dirty but you are not sure how you should wash them? Here’s a simple and effective step-by-step guide we made just for you:

  • First, get a trash bag and get rid of all the garbage or other wastes that you can easily remove by hand in your car.
  • Second, remove all the carpets and car mats from the car and lay them down outside or on a concrete garage floor if you can.
  • Now, you can use many home cleaning products such as baking soda, liquid hand wash, or even liquid dish wash, as long as it can help the process, you’ll be fine. Gently sprinkle some liquid or baking soda on the carpet and let it sit for 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Finally, with a sponge or a cloth, scrub the whole surface of the carpet/mat and make sure that all the stains are gone.

As an extra step, you can finish step 4 with a small bucket of water to remove all residues and remaining soap out of the cracks.

How to make my rubber mat black again?

The most effective way to make your rubber mat black again is to spray it with a strong washing product and to scrub thoroughly with a brush on the whole surface. To keep the black mat shiny for a long time, you can use a car protectant product like Trim Shine, which will protect the rubber material from wearing and getting dirty.

What are the best products to wash car mats?

To make it as simple as possible, we listed down below the easiest products and tools that you can find pretty much anywhere and that will be perfect for washing your car carpet mats:

  • Baking Soda Powder
  • Handwashing Detergent
  • Trim Shine Protectant
  • Fabric Cleaner
  • Cold Water
  • White Vinegar
  • Bathroom Detergent
  • Brush or Paint Scraper
  • Sponge
  • Cloth
  • Water hose with a water gun
  • Steam Cleaner
  • Spray Bottle
  • Vacuum
  • Dish Soap

With the list above, you should be able to build a little cleaning arsenal at home pretty quickly, as some of these items are easy to find in the house or at any home hardware nearby. On that note, we wish you good luck with those pesky stains, may the washing force of the hose be with you!